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Buy now at only:
$ 30.25
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Only $1.95 per use
Can be added to ANY non-water urinal
Not affected by commercial cleaners
No Odors
BlueSeal® is our long-lasting and biodegradable trap seal liquid. BlueSeal® has a specific gravity lower than water or urine. Therefore, it remains for an extended period in the trap with urinal use (small amounts do get carried out with each urinal use), or BlueSeal® remains indefinitely in the trap with no use, sealing trap odors.
The original Waterless™ urinal sealing liquid with an 18+ year track record. It can be added to any waterless urinal. No special cleaners to purchase! All commercially available cleaners may be used to clean the urinal without harming BlueSeal® in the trap. An economical alternative to costly cartridge/liquid packages. The freezing point is -60°F. Zero evaporation at 100°F. Saves winterization costs.
One 3oz refill will last approximately 1,500 uses.
No need to refill daily or to remove the trap for a refill!
Quarts - 12 per case
Gallons - 4 per case
BlueSeal® is simply added in three (3) ounce portions into the urinal EcoTrap® via the PortionAid.
Note: The cleaning of Waterless urinals is affected the same way as cleaning conventional urinals. Replenishments of BlueSeal® are simple and accurately measured with a PortionAid. Fill the PortionAid on top of the bottle by simply squeezing the bottle. Pour contents directly into the holes of the EcoTrap®. The PortionAid minimizes the waste of BlueSeal®.
BlueSeal® Refill:
1. Screw the PortionAid onto a BlueSeal® gallon bottle.
2. Squeeze bottle to measure out 3oz of BlueSeal® into PortionAid.
3. Pour BlueSeal® directly into the trap insert or cartridge. Just Add It!
Waterless Company
$ 7.95
Waterless Company
$ 9.25
$ 56.99
Waterless Company
from $ 10.50